Today marks the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream” speech, which he delivered during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 28, 1963. The speech called for the end of racism and represents a defining moment in the American Civil Rights Movement. We still have much work […]
Samsung Galaxy Gear Smartwatch To Debut Ahead of Apple iWatch. The Samsung Galaxy Gear Smartwatch is scheduled to debut at a special Samsung event, Unpacked 2013, on September 4th only days before the September 10th date set by Apple for the new iPhone/iPad news (and where it was rumored Apple would debut their iWatch). The […]
Rosa Alonso, Telemundo NY’s “Buenos Dias Nueva York” resident technology expert, visits the set tomorrow for her weekly Tuesday segment as “Rosa La Tecnológica” (yeap, “Rosa the Techie – or “Teckie” as we like to say here in Mi Vida Tec!). Tomorrow’s theme: travel and mobile security and how to best protect our personal information […]
Instagram, Vine, Reddit Downed by Amazon: Cloud or Hackers?. Instagram, Vine, Reddit and other popular apps and sites were affected when Amazon Web Services went down for about 60 minutes on Sunday. The Cloud (EC2) service is popular with many apps and sites, including Netflix, IFTTT, Flipboard, AirBnB, Reddit, Foursquare, Quora, Heroku, and Hootsuite. Although […]
Feel like you’re constantly running on life’s treadmill? Is this “race” purposeful? Stop, breathe, take inventory. Happy or unhappy? Unhappy? Change course. Happy? Ahh, that would be me, but in need of some serious downtime! We must take time to reward ourselves, walk slowly, thank the Universe… and enjoy the journey! Onward, a great day […]
Would you pay $30/month if you could go to the movies every day? That is the premise of the Moviepass app, which allows you access to practically any movie theater chain in the U.S.. Really! Just use their patented “credit card” and see your choice of flicks (1 a day max) for as little as […]
Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 inch Phablet Coming to U.S.. The Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 inch “phablet” in finally on its way to the U.S. and carriers are scrambling to be first in line to feature this new tablet-like phone, or “phablet.” ATT has already announced an in-market date of August 23rd ($149.99 with a two […]
Noel Claraso quotes dreams and staying grounded. We start each day with our dreams and longings. But in order to realize our vision, we must translate wishes into action. Success is that combination of dreams and good ‘ol sweat… and, of course, a little luck! A productive Monday, Mi Vida Teckies! Dream your dreams, but […]
Thor: The Dark World‘s movie trailer made it debut on YouTube yesterday, just in time for Geek Week. We Like! Wikipedia describes Thor as a “Norse mythology… hammer-wielding god associated with thunder, lightning, storms, oak trees, strength, the protection of mankind, and also hallowing, healing and fertility.” Perfect Marvel hero, don’t you think? In this […]
George Eliot Quotes about failure and perseverance. George Eliot quotes often reflect on the importance of failure and perseverance in achieving success. Couldn’t find better words for our Friday Tec-Café! “Failure after long perseverance is much grander than never to have a striving good enough to be called a failure.” – George Eliot And that […]